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プライベートレッスン強化月間!プレゼントにもいかが?代表 Max Masuzawaとのプライベートレッスンを特別割引にて提供中

執筆者の写真: 管理者 ホイス・グレイシー柔術東京管理者 ホイス・グレイシー柔術東京


(English translation Below)





・ 道場仲間へのバースデープレゼントに

・ 恋人、ご夫婦、お子様との特別な時間に


初回ご利用の際の予約時にクーポンコード「private5k」を入力した場合のみ割引が適用されます。 (非メンバーの方は、異なるオファーが適用されます。特別なオファーについてはウェブ会員登録後MaxにDMしてください)





ただし道場の「スパーリング」は、相手を傷つけないようにするために(例えばパンチをしない、目つぶしをしないなど)一定の制限を設けて行われます。しかしLEVEL 2では、LEVEL 1クラスでは体系的に経験できない基本的かつ包括的なポジショニングの概念や各ポジションからの攻撃理論を、繰り返し実践的なトレーニングを通じて学ぶ機会となります。


ホイス・グレイシーが日本で初めて唯一認めたMax Masuzawaのプライベートレッスン料金は1時間2万円です。その希少性に加え、グレイシー柔術歴25年の深い知識と経験を凝縮し、論理的かつ明確に技術やコンセプトを伝えます。


現在、メンバーには一律30%OFFが適用されます。また、30分単位での利用が可能なため、一回7000円でご利用できます。 さらに、プライベートレッスンは1セッションで2人までの料金なので、30分なら一人あたり3500円でご利用できます。




  • 定期的に参加できなかったため、抜けてしまっているカリキュラムのレッスンの技術習得の補習として。

  • ベルトテストやグレーディングに向け、未習得のレッスンを補い、テストでのミスを未然に防ぐため。


  • スパーリングの際の有効な戦略や基本理論の理解のため。

  • テレビやネットで見た高度な技術の習得のため(Max Masuzawa自身が多くのブラジリアン柔術マスターズなど世界大会等で好成績を残しており、競技としての柔術にも対応可能です!)。



We have prepared a special offer for Royce Gracie Tokyo members! July and August are dedicated months for enhancing private lessons.

For your first private session, it’s only 5000 yen for 30 minutes (up to 2 participants for the same price, i.e., 2500 yen per person!). The discount applies only when you enter the coupon code “ private5k ” at the time of booking. (If you are a non-member, different offers apply. Please sign up for the web member, and DM to Max for some special deal)

In the June grading, a pure blue belt who started learning Jiu-Jitsu at the Royce Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Academy Tokyo was finally born. As a dojo that conveys the original Jiu-Jitsu as self-defense, and as a curriculum that has reached the blue belt, it is a rare blue belt that only a limited number of people in Japan possess.

At Royce Gracie Academy Tokyo, after receiving the blue belt, you will be able to participate in the advanced LEVEL2 class of the Royce Gracie Jiu-Jitsu RG360™ curriculum.

In the LEVEL2 class, in addition to the self-defense techniques acquired in LEVEL1, you will learn various techniques such as clinch, takedown, ground techniques, submissions, and escapes in various situations that Master Royce Gracie has demonstrated through his practical experience.

Moreover, LEVEL2 includes not only drill practice where the receiver plays the role of the attacker and the practitioner executes the techniques, but also practical training that includes “sparring” where you apply techniques to an attacking opponent.

The dojo’s “sparring” is conducted with certain restrictions (such as no punching or eye-gouging) to avoid injuring the opponent. However, it will be an opportunity to learn the fundamental and comprehensive concepts of positioning and attack theories from each position, which cannot be systematically experienced in LEVEL1, through repeated practical training.

Private lessons are the most efficient way to learn these practical experiences.

The private lesson fee with Max Masuzawa, the first and only person recognized by Royce Gracie in Japan, is 20,000 yen per hour. In addition to its rarity, it condenses 25 years of deep knowledge and experience, logically and clearly conveying techniques and concepts.

However, special discount rates are offered to members of Royce Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Tokyo.

Currently, members receive a uniform 30% OFF. You can also use it in 30-minute increments, making it available for 7000 yen.

Furthermore, private lessons are priced for up to 2 people per session, so for 30 minutes, it is available for 3500 yen per person.

Additionally, if you book more than 5 sessions at once, you will receive a another 10% OFF discount, making it 3000 yen per person for a 30-minute session.

Private lessons are recommended for the following people:

(White belts)

  • As a supplement to learn techniques from curriculum lessons that you could not attend regularly.

  • To supplement unacquired lessons in preparation for belt tests and grading, preventing mistakes in the test.

(Blue belts and above)

  • To understand effective strategies and basic theories during sparring.

  • To learn advanced techniques seen on TV or the internet (Max Masuzawa himself has achieved good results in many world tournaments, so he can also handle Jiu-Jitsu as a sport!).

Book your 30-minute private lesson here

(RGJJ Members only)

If you need any further assistance, feel free to ask!



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